Optimized coolant usage and disposal allow metalworking facilities to save money on materials, equipment, labor, and more. Because fluids and other materials are increasing in price, saving money on coolant costs is a significant goal for businesses. Improve your bottom line with these tips for lowering metalworking coolant costs in your shop.
Document Coolant and Other Material Costs
Thorough documentation is a valuable practice you should apply to all aspects of your business. However, it’s particularly beneficial when recording information about coolant purchases, disposal costs, and overall material lifespans.
In addition to keeping track of coolant purchases over time, you should also document performance factors, such as tool and equipment life, the surface finish of products, production rates, and machine downtime. This information allows you to monitor the cost, lifespan, and efficacy of your coolant, giving you a clear idea of your shop’s overall investment and return for metalworking coolant.
Start With High-Quality Fluids
Make sure the coolant you buy is worth your money. Keep in mind that this might mean choosing higher-end options to experience better performance and a longer coolant life. Poor quality coolants can lead to decreased productivity, excessive wear of tools and parts, and a need for more frequent equipment maintenance. Choosing high-quality coolants from dependable vendors ensures greater efficiency and productivity while preserving the life of your coolant, tools, and equipment.
Invest in a Coolant Filtration System
Coolant filtration systems allow you to recycle and reuse coolant, extending the life of your fluids and saving money on fluid costs. A dependable machine coolant recycling system filters out debris, particles, and oil. This allows for cleaner, safer operation, better performance, and a smoother finish for your products.
Dispose of Coolant Wisely
Decreasing disposal costs goes a long way toward lowering metalworking coolant costs. One thing to pay attention to is whether your coolant is hazardous or nonhazardous when you dispose of it. For example, coolant that contains toxic additives is hazardous and, therefore, more expensive to dispose of safely. Maintaining nonhazardous coolant lowers the price of disposal and helps you save money on your overall fluid costs.
EdjeTech sells top-of-the-line coolant filtration systems to extend the life of your coolant, improve equipment performance, and reduce the amount of money you spend on disposal. Learn more about our filtration solutions by contacting our team today.